
Stores are Choo's data abstraction. They're meant to both hold application data, and listen for events to change it. In traditional systems this is sometimes also known as "models".

Choo is entirely event-driven. It follows the paradigm of "data down, events up". This means that in views, only data is ever passed down — and to trigger something in a parent node, an event is emitted.

Event emitter

var choo = require('choo')
var app = choo()

app.use((state, emitter) => {     // 1.
  emitter.on('log', (data) => {   // 2.
    console.log(data)             // 3.

  emitter.emit('log', 'bar')      // 4.
  1. We declare a new store by passing a callback to app.use(). The callback is provided with two values: state, and emitter. These values are shared by all stores.
  2. We declare a new event listener. When the 'log' event is fired, we'll trigger a callback and pass it 'data'.
  3. When the callback is triggered, we log out the value of 'data'.
  4. We emit the 'log' event with a value of 'bar'.

Wait for the DOM to load

Choo comes with some built-in events to interact with the DOM. One of these events is DOMContentLoaded, which fires when the DOM has finished loading. This event only fires in the browser, which is a great way to prevent code from running while doing server rendering.

The DOMContentLoaded event is also a great way to improve page load times. By scheduling expensive pieces of work to wait until the DOM has loaded, pages will become interactive sooner, which provides for a better user experience.

var choo = require('choo')
var app = choo()

app.use((state, emitter) => {
  emitter.on('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    console.log('mounted on the DOM')

Notes on DOM loading

  • If you're loading stores dynamically, the 'DOMContentLoaded' event will have fired by the time you start listening for it. Instead use the document-ready package. It's what Choo uses internally to provide the 'DOMContentLoaded' event, so there is no size cost in using it.

Updating state and rendering

Choo's state has very few opinions. This means that you, as the application's architect, can partition it in the way that makes most sense. There are no constraints in what's possible.

Something that sets Choo aside from most other frameworks, is our explicit rendering. Updating state does not automatically cause the application to re-render. Renders only happen when the 'render' event is emitted.

The biggest benefit of explicit rendering we've found is that it allows storing values without triggering renders. This allows every part of the application to store their internal bookkeeping values inside the state. In turn this makes debugging applications a lot easier, since there is no private state.

var choo = require('choo')
var app = choo()

app.use((state, emitter) => {
  state.count = 0                          // 1.

  emitter.on('DOMContentLoaded', () => {   // 2.
    emitter.on('increment', (num) => {     // 3.
      state.count += num                   // 4.
      emitter.emit('render')               // 5.
  1. Define the initial state for our click counter. We're counting from 0, and each click will increase the value.
  2. Wait for the DOM to load before we start listening for events. It's safe to assume that we won't be handling events before the DOM is rendered, so it's best to deprioritize as much work as possible until the DOM has been loaded.
  3. Define a listener for the 'increment' event. It takes one argument of 'num'.
  4. Now that we've received a number, increment state.count by the number that was passed.
  5. Now that we've finished processing the event, we can ask the DOM to re-render with the new state in the next browser frame.

Namespace patterns

More complicated applications usually have multiple concerns. For example a Twitter client will probably need to keep track of both tweets and the user's profile.

To make splitting up data easier, namespaces exist. It's common to create a namespace for each store that's defined, both in the events as in the state.

var choo = require('choo')
var app = choo()

app.use((state, emitter) => {                  // 1.
  state.tweets = []                            // 2.

  emitter.on('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    emitter.on('tweets:add', (tweet) => {      // 3.

app.use((state, emitter) => {                  // 4.
  state.user = {                               // 5.
    username: '',
    loggedIn: false

  emitter.on('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    emitter.on('user:login', (name) => {       // 6.
      state.user.username = name
      state.user.loggedIn = true

    emitter.on('user:logout', () => {          // 7.
      state.user.username = ''
      state.user.loggedIn = false
  1. We're going to create a store for our tweets. Usually this would be a separate file, probably stores as stores/tweets.js.
  2. Because tweets are ordered by timestamp, we're going to create an array to store our tweets in.
  3. When the tweets:add event is emitted, we'll push the new tweet into our list of tweets and re-render. In a real app this logic we'd probably do a lot more logic here to construct the tweet.
  4. We're creating a store for our user user. Usually this would probably be stored as stores/user.js.
  5. We'll need to store two values: the username, and whether or not we're logged in.
  6. When user:login is called, we set the username and set us as logged in.
  7. When user:logout is called, we reset all values and log us back out.

Hardening event emitters

Choo's event emitter is modeled after Node.js's require('events'). This is great, because we're using a familiar interface. But it also means we share some of the same weaknesses. Luckily these can be overcome!

Handling Unknown events

Probably the most common issue with event emitters is emitting events that don't exist. This is usually due to typos or emitting events before the listeners are attached. choo-devtools will warn if this happens during development, providing details of what happened.

var choo = require('choo')
var app = choo()

Validating types

Probably the least fun part of programming is debugging. Often this means that someone using an application has encountered a problem, and now you're responsible for solving it. Usually it's better to encounter these problems during development rather than when other people are using it.

A common cause of errors in JavaScript is type mismatches. Say we're expecting a Number but instead we get undefined, it might cause a subtle bug that can be hard to trace down. What we want is to assert our input values are correct.

There are many tools available to validate types in JavaScript. Many of these involve writing some dialect, and compiling it to JavaScript (e.g. FlowType, TypeScript).

A compilation-less solution to type validation is to use require('assert'), which is part of the Node.js API.

var assert = require('assert')                 // 1.
var choo = require('choo')
var app = choo()

app.use((state, emitter) => {
  state.heading = 'Basic Header'               // 2.

  emitter.on('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    emitter.on('heading', (heading) => {
      assert.equal(typeof heading, 'string')   // 3.
      state.heading = heading                  // 4.
  1. Import the 'assert' package.
  2. We define a default value for our 'header' (we're doing something with a header here, not sure what — it's all made up code).
  3. We validate that that num is type String.
  4. That went well, now we can assign the value to state, and re-render.

Notes on Type Checking

  • Even if assert won't catch all edge cases, it's generally good enough to rest assured input types are right.
  • If for example Nan slips through a assert.equal(typeof num, 'number') check, we can add more assertions to prevent that from happening: assert.notOk(Number.isNaN(num)).
  • assert.equal() uses loose equality (==). assert.deepEqual() uses strict equality (===).
  • assert.ok() is an alias for assert().
  • We provide typings for TypeScript, and work out of the box with FlowType. You're free to use whichever method works best for you.

Enumerating events

Maintaining applications is hard. As an application grows over time, the amount of code grows with it and reasoning about it becomes harder.

To make working with stores easier, it can be useful to provide an overview of all events at the top of a file. The property exists exactly for this purpose.

var choo = require('choo')
var app = choo()

app.use((state, emitter) => {
  state.math = {
    result: 0  // The result of the last computation.
  } = 'math:increment' // Increment a number by 1. = 'math:decrease'   // Lower a number by 1. = 'math:multiply'   // Multiply two numbers. = 'math:divide'       // Divide two numbers.

  emitter.on('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    emitter.on(, (num) => {
      state.math.result =  num + 1

    emitter.on(, (num) => {
      state.math.result =  num - 1

    emitter.on(, (a, b) => {
      state.math.result = a * b

    emitter.on(, (a, b) => {
      state.math.result = a / b

Writing Plugins

Sometimes it can be useful to extends Choo's functionality. For example in choo-devtools we can trace each mutation in the state, and output a stack trace. This requires access to the application itself. This is possible by a third argument that's passed to stores: app.

Plugins are a specialized type of store. They're usually small wrappers around the DOM API, and expose events on the event emitter. Or they somehow interact with the application instance, and are used during development.

It can be useful to create reusable plugins, and publish them to npm. At the time of writing there's plugins available on npm for service workers, debugging, networking, text-to-speech and more.

var choo = require('choo')
var app = choo()

app.use(log)                                    // 1.

function log (state, emitter, app) {            // 2.
  emitter.on('*', (eventname, data) => {        // 3.
    console.log('info: ' + eventname, data)
  1. We're using the log plugin here. Usually we would require the plugin from npm instead.
  2. We create a new store. Because this is for debuggin purposes only, it's more of a plugin. Notice that we're exposing a third argument: app. These are available in all stores, but should probably only ever be used in plugins.
  3. This is some example logic. Whenever any event is emitted on the event emitter, we log out the eventname and data.

Websites generally consist of 3 main elements: paragraph text, lists and forms. While paragraph text is generally straightforward to place on a page, lists and forms require some more work. This section explains everything you need to know to work with forms in Choo.


Connecting to the network is essential for applications. This section is all about the browser's network APIs, and how to use them in Choo.


Choo is built up out of two parts: stores and views. In order to render a view, it must be added to the application through app.route(). This is the router.

Server Rendering

Server rendering is an excellent way to speed up the load time of your pages. This section shows how to effectively render Choo apps in Node.

State Machines

State machines are a great way to manage different states in your application. In this section we'll learn how to use and implement state machines.


Stores are Choo's data abstraction. They're meant to both hold application data, and listen for events to change it. In traditional systems this is sometimes also known as "models".


Views are Choo's rendering abstraction. It's the part that takes the internal state and renders elements to the DOM.

Made with 🚂 in Saigon, Tokyo, Berlin
By Yosh & friends